Saturday, 14 March 2015

Child is raped for having body- Obviously her fault

Another day another reason to ask what the actual fuck is going on in the world. In Sweden a 27-year-old kiddie fiddler has just been acquitted of the rape of a 13-year-old because breasts

I write this blog with tears in my eyes, not just because I'm a little drunk, but because a week after fucking International Women's Day, where we all celebrate our genitals, and people who don't have the same set give us the thumbs up or a high five, there have been some pretty spectacular examples of how fucked we all really are. 

Exhibit A. the child rapists' 'but she has tits defence.'
I'd love to go to Sweden, walk into a hospital and just turn off someone's life support. Giving no fucks about how likely their recovery is, just pick the sickest looking one and shut that shit down. Because that's obviously how shit works there. Facts don't matter, just superficial fucking bullshit matters. This girl is a foster child who ran away, she was alone, hungry and vulnerable as all hell, but because she has a 'well developed' body, she's a totally suitable candidate for sexual intercourse. No.

This is setting a very dangerous precedent and it's not even that unusual. Look at the Lolitaesque photo they've chosen for the article. Ew. Get your shit together, Sweden. Sexual assault is never the victim's fault. I don't care how massive her tween jugs are. The logic that she is in some way responsible for some perverted shitstain preying on her because of her body makes me actually sick.  How is this real life?

Exhibit B.  'You exaggerated the parts of your body I like to touch without permission and drew attention to the fact that I like to do that. Now Imma kill you'
Elsewhere in the world, Afghan Performance Artist, Kubra Khademiis is getting death and rape threats for daring to walk through the street wearing a busty suit of armor. True to form, the shitting  BBC calls this very real protest a 'stunt' to ensure we don't take her seriously. What an incredibly brave woman for calling out the hypocritical harassers of Afghanistan. Whether in a burka or an iron suit with a giant ass, the women of Afghanistan are getting harassed and molested on the daily, but it's a 'Middle Eastern problem.' My ass. Actually my ass.

This shit happens every day all over the world. Japan has separate 'Flower Cars' on trains to prevent women being fondled on their daily commute. And Egypt has just introduced the same thing on many of its popular train routes to combat the growing problem of sexual harassment. Is segregation really the answer? No. Control yourself, and if you can't and some smart woman calls you out on it, maybe it's time to look at your own behavior and not threaten to kill her because you're a damn pervert and can't keep your hands to yourself. Her body is not making you touch it.

I don't want any girl anywhere to feel like their body is in any way the problem. No matter what, the victim is never to blame, but how difficult a message must that be to receive when so much that we know and see is telling us the exact opposite? The bloody law is telling us the opposite and the majority is telling us the opposite. We need to change the narrative and we need to change it now, because even people like me are starting to lose hope.

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