Friday, 20 March 2015


This week in the UK, The NHS passed legislation stating that any woman discovered to have a genital piercing, either in the vulva or the clitoris will need to be reported as a victim of FGM (female Genital Mutilation) and that the individual or establishment responsible for the procedure can be prosecuted for performing it. Wait, I’m sorry…what? This does not sit well with me. A western woman making the choice to pierce her clitoris to increase sexual pleasure or to ornament her body is not a victim. 

I firmly believe you should be able to do whatever you want to your own body. Brand it, tattoo it, pierce it. Or not, it’s your choice. That is the core difference between opting to embellish your own body and FGM. FGM takes the choice away from the woman whose body is being mutilated. If we start including ornamentation under the mutilation umbrella, it’s a slippery slope. What about lazer hair removal or tattoos on or near the genitals? Again, these are elective cosmetic treatments that women are choosing for themselves and what the NHS is saying, without actually saying it, with its body policing, is that women can’t be trusted with that choice. 

I’m a feminist, so I believe totally in equality between the sexes. This is why I’m no fan of circumcision, despite being Jewish. If a child is too young to consent, then the procedure should not be carried out. It’s an unnecessary, painful tradition which damages the genitals and is performed without permission. I consider circumcision MGM (Male Genital Mutilation.) So why aren’t Brit Milahs being busted? And using the same logic as it's applying to women, why aren't Prince Albert and testicular piercings being scrutinized by the NHS? What’s the difference? Why can men be trusted to make choices about their bodies in this way, but women can’t?  

Something is very wrong here. The NHS is essentially equating a woman getting her clitoris hacked off with no anesthesia in the kitchen of someone’s house to a putting a pretty little ring though your labia, and that’s a dangerous comparison. It trivializes the trauma experienced by real victims of FGM by equating it to the act of electing to walk into a sterile tattoo parlor and pierce one’s vulva, which in no way irreparably damages the sex organs. Also, and most importantly, it implies that victims of FGM have some say in their procedure, and most do not.   

More than 120 million women worldwide are victims of FGM and I refuse to include Lady Gaga and Janet Jackson in those statistics. Get your shit together, NHS, surely you have better things to do than look for victims where there aren't any. It's my vulva and my choice.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Can the Motherless Mother?

So I'm 34 and I have no children. I've been married for ten years to a man I'm pretty into and yet we have no offspring to speak of. I've been asked 'why' on many occasions and each time I just screw my face up in mock disgust and shake my head to shut that conversation down. I don't need to have an answer as to why I haven't procreated and the truth is I'm not really sure myself.

Growing up I wasn't overly excited by dolls that wet themselves and I rarely played House. I used to think I was just programmed differently and I still don't think I can be trusted not to kill something left in my care for a prolonged period of time. My poor orchids can attest to that. I keep watering them and one day they look incredible and the next...barren, dead, murdered. 

I wouldn't know how to mom. Being motherless myself, who the hell would I call if I accidentally set the baby on fire, or if I needed a break because I might set the baby on fire? Who would tell me anecdotes about myself as a baby while examining the Rorschac-like contents of my baby's diaper? Who would stand in the queue with me amongst all the other people's screaming children and keep me from snapping as we waited for the Easter Bunny?

Of course I have fantastic people in my life who I could count on to step up, and some of them are much closer to me than family. But I firmly believe that you can't visit your crazy on these special people too much because they are not bound to you by blood and can fuck off whenever they like. For me, it's important to have a mom to have a baby. 

I do wonder that if my mom had died earlier in my life or later if I'd feel differently. If losing the one woman who you have constant access to at the time when you need that access most is the reason I'm broken. Maybe if I'd been younger when my dad remarried I'd feel more comfortable squeezing out a few people? Whatever the reason, as my friends talk about the loud ticking of their biological clocks, I'm shaking mine to see if it works.

Maybe I'll be like Sophie B. Hawkins and get pregnant at 50 and be so happy I waited, but then Steve would be nearly 60 and that's just gross. Or maybe it never happens, and at 50 I'm so mad at myself for not taking a chance earlier. But taking a chance when you're talking about someone else's life is what's selfish, not abstaining from having kids altogether. A friend of mine who has kids, once asked me in extreme earnestness if I wanted to die alone. I mean what a stupid question. We all die alone and that is pretty much the worst reason to have a child I've ever heard of.

But that's just it, people have babies for lots of reasons, some of them completely insane, and maybe I just haven't found my reason yet. I can think of so many reasons not to; I'm too poor, it might die, I might die, it might hate me, I don't know what I'm doing, etc. that maybe the cons just outweigh the pros at this stage. I've never ruled children out altogether, but I still can't see myself celebrating a Mother's Day anytime soon.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Child is raped for having body- Obviously her fault

Another day another reason to ask what the actual fuck is going on in the world. In Sweden a 27-year-old kiddie fiddler has just been acquitted of the rape of a 13-year-old because breasts

I write this blog with tears in my eyes, not just because I'm a little drunk, but because a week after fucking International Women's Day, where we all celebrate our genitals, and people who don't have the same set give us the thumbs up or a high five, there have been some pretty spectacular examples of how fucked we all really are. 

Exhibit A. the child rapists' 'but she has tits defence.'
I'd love to go to Sweden, walk into a hospital and just turn off someone's life support. Giving no fucks about how likely their recovery is, just pick the sickest looking one and shut that shit down. Because that's obviously how shit works there. Facts don't matter, just superficial fucking bullshit matters. This girl is a foster child who ran away, she was alone, hungry and vulnerable as all hell, but because she has a 'well developed' body, she's a totally suitable candidate for sexual intercourse. No.

This is setting a very dangerous precedent and it's not even that unusual. Look at the Lolitaesque photo they've chosen for the article. Ew. Get your shit together, Sweden. Sexual assault is never the victim's fault. I don't care how massive her tween jugs are. The logic that she is in some way responsible for some perverted shitstain preying on her because of her body makes me actually sick.  How is this real life?

Exhibit B.  'You exaggerated the parts of your body I like to touch without permission and drew attention to the fact that I like to do that. Now Imma kill you'
Elsewhere in the world, Afghan Performance Artist, Kubra Khademiis is getting death and rape threats for daring to walk through the street wearing a busty suit of armor. True to form, the shitting  BBC calls this very real protest a 'stunt' to ensure we don't take her seriously. What an incredibly brave woman for calling out the hypocritical harassers of Afghanistan. Whether in a burka or an iron suit with a giant ass, the women of Afghanistan are getting harassed and molested on the daily, but it's a 'Middle Eastern problem.' My ass. Actually my ass.

This shit happens every day all over the world. Japan has separate 'Flower Cars' on trains to prevent women being fondled on their daily commute. And Egypt has just introduced the same thing on many of its popular train routes to combat the growing problem of sexual harassment. Is segregation really the answer? No. Control yourself, and if you can't and some smart woman calls you out on it, maybe it's time to look at your own behavior and not threaten to kill her because you're a damn pervert and can't keep your hands to yourself. Her body is not making you touch it.

I don't want any girl anywhere to feel like their body is in any way the problem. No matter what, the victim is never to blame, but how difficult a message must that be to receive when so much that we know and see is telling us the exact opposite? The bloody law is telling us the opposite and the majority is telling us the opposite. We need to change the narrative and we need to change it now, because even people like me are starting to lose hope.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Happy International Vag Day

Yes it's that time again where my genitals have awarded me one whole day to be recognized for having those specific genitals! Strike up the band!

You should all know how I feel about International Women's Day and if you don't, I hope you got the context clues from my opening sentences that I think it's pretty lame. This day is supposedly to mark the advancement of women everywhere, but I have trouble seeing much international progress. Women globally still have no access to education, there are still many countries practicing FGM, with once shocking case taking place in a UK hospital recently and with a rape every 6 seconds (RAINN) in the incredibly well developed and well educated USA, I think we can do better.

I am a privileged white woman. I live in a western society, was raised in a middle-class home and I shop at Waitrose. Many women like me can't see that globally there is massive disparity between the rights of women and the rights of men. Because many women don't experience what they believe to be oppression in their daily lives, it's easy to forget that on average we earn 22% less than our male colleagues or that on average one in three women we know will be beaten or raped through the course of their life. This is not OK and it is oppression, we've just gotten used to it.

This kind of ignorance is dangerous. In order to make change we have to be able to see past our own noses and fight for women everywhere. Check your privilege, ladies. Look around you and wake the hell up. Here's a handy map to help you see how women are treated in the rest of the world. How does your country look? Not as great as you thought it would, right?  Globally women's problems need attention and if we don't fight together who the hell will fight for us?

This week Mukesh Singh, one of the gang rapists sentenced to death for the brutal rape and murder of Jyoti Singh in India in 2012 stated that 'girls are much more responsible for rape than boys.' Though   shocking, this attitude is not unique. Recently the University of Virginia banned its female students from attending 'bid night' fraternity parties citing it was 'for their own safety.' This implication that men can't control themselves around women and that if we get raped it's somehow in response to something we did is an archaic idea and its renaissance is unsettling.

Just this week in Ohio, a bill was proposed to limit a woman's access to birth control and to completely eradicate abortions being covered by healthcare, even if the mother's life is in danger. Is this real life? Are you fucking serious? I was sure the days of back alley coat hanger abortions were behind us, but it appears there are still those in power who dispute the ownership of our own bodies. Are you scared yet? Good.

We need to wake up and start fighting back. It's great that we got the vote and all, but that should not be where feminism stops. This March 8th what are you going to do? How are you going to celebrate this day that is supposedly in our honour? I'll be at the WOW (women on the world) Festival if you'd like to join me. Or how about raising some money for a charity that supports the safety of women like Plan UK? Or signing this petition to stop those asshats from taking away our sisters' contraceptive rights? Whatever you do, do something that both celebrates your womanhood, but helps someone else celebrate theirs.

We deserve more than a day, but that's what we get. So on this crappy excuse for a tribute to our vaginas, let's make it count.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Sympathy for the Syrian Brides

When I was 15 years old I smoked nearly twenty cigarettes a day. I also drank from my father's liquor cabinet and threw up a lot, both from overindulgence in alcohol and my constant flirtation with bulimia. I made out with lots of boys at that age too, some with my freshly puke-scented breath. Some I didn't even like. It was just something to do.

I went to Catholic school so I'd learn discipline and not totally go off the rails like my brother, who at that time had not been permitted to graduate with his class due to excessive truancy. I was supposed to be different, but I was so tragically the same. I think we all are at that age. I look back on those years now with no regret or sadness. I got most of my self-destructiveness out of my system very early, so now I can focus on making my life and the lives of those who live on this world with me better. I am not that hot mess anymore.

The whole reason I'm here thinking about myself at that age, some 14 years later is that I am trying to make sense of why, at the age of 15, three more girls from the UK are traveling to Syria to fight with ISIS. What, in their minds is their purpose or their motivation? There's little to no evidence that these young ladies were radicalized at home or at school. The finger is being firmly pointed at social media, but even there the evidence is flimsy at best.These are not the first girls to do this. There have been eight girls in the last seven months who have made this same choice, to leave the UK for Syria. Apparently to fight and to marry. So what the hell is happening?

I can't help but wonder if what caused these girls to pack up and leave home was the same motivation that started me smoking and drinking and kissing those boys? Boredom and curiosity. This generation of teenagers have so much more to be dissatisfied with. They are constantly told that they're doomed, there's no jobs, no prospects and for the first time in the UK, university fees are totally unaffordable.I can't help but wonder that if I had a cause at the tender age if 15 if I'd have left home to fight for it because at that age I was reckless, dangerous and totally unconcerned about my future. I had nothing to lose and I think these girls don't either.

I really do feel that they have little understanding of what they're actually doing. To them this is a big adventure, they're pushing hard against life's boundaries to see what happens and it's too late to turn back. They've put the lipstick in their pockets and now they just have to walk out the door. I know comparing shoplifting makeup to treason may seem a weak comparison, but in the mind of a 15-year-old who understands neither the impact or the true consequences of their actions, I think it's a decent parallel.

So what happens now? The response by Scotland Yard has been lazy to say the least. We waited too long to alert authorities in Turkey and I can't help but wonder if this was intentional? Do we want these girls back? What happens when we find them? Will they be put in jail or slapped on the wrist? They have left the country of their birth to fight against it, so how can they return? Why haven't we done more to bring them back? How, as unaccompanied minors were they allowed to leave in the first place and where the hell did their parents think they were going?

There are a hell of a lot of questions that need answering, but I still struggle to see these girls as criminals. I see them as fantasist children trying on their big-girl pants. I see them as of victims of their own confusion and hormones. I see them as incredibly poor decision makers, like all teenage girls are. But I have trouble holding them wholly responsible for anything. I want to hear more from the parents and I really want to hear from them. So let's try a little harder to bring them back, let's not make an example of them by letting them die. If these girls were white and heading to Russia, for example, I can't help but feel our response would be more urgent.

I would like some answers and I think the only way we can help to save future young, impressionable women is to learn from those that have already been impressed upon. What were they promised? Love? Acceptance? Freedom? Most probably, and isn't that what we all wanted at 15?