When it comes to vanity, there are fewer topics more controversial amongst women than that of our own body hair. How one should wear it, and how much is too much or too little? Should it be shaped like a heart or a lightening bolt? Should there be jewels and dangley baubles down below? Should you wax or shave? Who can keep up with the latest trends when it comes to body hair. Should we all embrace our inner Madonna?
Or should we take our lead from American Apparel (cringe) mannequins?
In this hair today, gone tomorrow world it's hard to know what's best. But ladies, no matter what shape you like it or how much or how little you feel is desirable for you in your pits, bits, face, butt, whatever. I'm really excited about IPL and here are my reasons why:
1. It's effective. How many of us have been disappointed by the do-it-yourself wax strips? I once ripped off a bit of my actual labia majora on one of those things and bled like a pig for hours. And shaving? I don't know about you, but within hours I'm stubbly again and I get crazy ingrown hairs, but not with IPL. Ingrown hairs were once the bane of my existence and since I've been getting lazer treatment, not a one. None.
2. It's less expensive. At first IPL can look expensive. I get treatments for £39 per area. However unlike waxing you don't need to go every month. When I first started I went once every 3 months and now I go twice a year. That's £78 per year compared to the £433 a year I used to pay for waxing. Win!
3. It's a freakin' lazer! You can't argue with science and this is some scientific stuff. The pulsed light from the IPL burns the individual hairs from inside and kills the hair so it no longer grows. This sounds so much better to me than pouring molten liquid on your most sensitive of areas and then ripping it off with force. These lazers are the same ones used for facial rejuvenation, so I feel like in addition to the hair removal, my puss is getting a fancy facial too.
4. It's not always permanent. I know that for some people this isn't a positive, but for me it is. I like changing my Topiary designs. I flit from barely there to landing strip to Game of Thrones quite frequently. With IPL the hair removal is permanent, but more hair follicles will always form. The new hair that grows in is always fine and fair, not coarse and wiry, so it's less aggressive. Think about peach fuzz instead of spider's legs escaping from your bikini.
5. It's less painful. It can feel a little hot at times, but it is nothing compared to having strips torn from your flesh. It can feel like a rubber band snapping in places, but it is relatively pain free.
6. It's gender neutral. According to my therapist, half of her clients are men. It's a less painful, more permanent solution for men. Back, sack and crack is a popular service and though I can't imagine how that rubber band snapping would feel on a teste, apparently it's not agonizing enough to stop treatments.I mean, without meticulous manscaping, how can one be expected to wear this?
7. The service is great. Like all beauty treatments, it's all about your therapist, but with IPL the training is intense and the machines cost over £20,000, so they don't just let anyone use them. I had a treatment yesterday that felt more like a pelvic exam than hair removal and although that sounds uncomfortable, its nice to know that your therapist is dedicated to your grooming goals. She's all about burning off every last one of those hairs and is not afraid to get out the razor and a flashlight to make that happen. It's like the world's smallest treasure hunt and instead of hunting riches, she's hunting pubes.
If any of you are thinking of trying this for the first time I urge you to. It works best for fair skinned dark haired people, but can be effective for most. I use this clinic in London http://nomasvello.co.uk/. They specialize in IPL treatments and do nothing else so they are incredible. They often have really good deals too. If you want more advice or have questions please do give me a call as I love nothing more than talking about vaginas. Obvs.
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