Happy International Vagina Day, everyone. On this one day, us women-folk will be free from sexual assault, our wages will increase, no one will be looking to mutilate our genitals and for just this one day we are free to be educated. This list isn't true for all women for even one day. So what's there to celebrate?
What are these gender-specific celebratory dates really about? Is this a day that we're meant to be more appreciative of said gender? More aware that we all share the same planet? This day to me is more offensive than Valentine's Day. It's forced, it's ridiculous and it makes no difference to the day to day oppression of women across the globe. This day is to many, a reflection of women in their own societies and doesn't matter.
More than 125 million girls and women are victims of FGM (female genital mutilation) with Egypt, a fairly developed country committing this atrocity on 91% of its population. But this is not the most terrifying statistic. The statistic that makes me shiver is that in Egypt, just 35% of the female population thinks this should stop. (UNICEF) Now I'm no fan of MGM either. Whether or not to circumcise your baby is a very personal choice and for me, my religion states that I do it. However, I will say that the main difference to me is that MGM is nearly always performed when a baby is days old and the average age for FGM is fourteen. Fourteen years old, just starting to understand her genitalia and then large chunks of it are cut out often without anesthesia or clean tools. I wonder how valued these women are feeling today. I wonder how many of these procedures will be carried out today.
Of the 29 countries still carrying out FGM, 24 of them have active legislation regulating it and/or banning it. Yet in the next decade if the numbers stay the same that will be 30 million more women who have been butchered at the hands of their country. It is not a coincidence that in many of these 29 countries human rights records are notoriously bad and women are rarely allowed access to an education. In Chad for example only 10% of women have completed elementary school and in Chad 44% of its women have suffered FGM. (Argintar, 2013) Coincidence? No. Keeping women ignorant and brutalized is an exceptional way to make them feel worthless.What chance do these women have? Married off at a terribly young age with no prospects of their own, these women are as close to property as one can get without an actual deed.
This has to stop, and it's up to us privileged women of the world. We who have degrees and diplomas and fully functional vaginas to change it. While you are reflecting on all the important women in your life today reach out to them and ask them to help you make a difference. Whether through charity, advocacy or direct action let's do something today. We are the few and the privileged who have won the geographical lottery, so let's get to spending our winnings and make a difference where it matters. We are all women. So let's change the fact that this day really means nothing to so many.
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